sábado, 3 de maio de 2008

Oficinas de sexta, 9 de maio

Na sexta-feira, 9 de maio, foram ministradas as seguintes oficinas para os participantes do projeto:

Aspectos gramaticales “problemáticos” en la enseñanza de E/LE a lusohablantes
Profa. Ana Lúcia Esteves dos Santos (UFMG)

Using technology in and beyond the language classroom
Profa. Maria Nilce Martinelli Pontes (Cultura Inglesa - Uberaba MG)

Veja as fotos.

3 comentários:

cleonicecb disse...

Eduardo: Sou aluna assídua da ProdocenciaIngles) e estou colocando no meu blog reflexões referentes a cada aula/palestra e ou atividades desenvolvidas na Prodocencia. Gostaria de saber se estou no caminho certo pq até o momento nao recebí qq comentario por parte dos professores no Blog. Obrigada, cleoniceprodocencia.blogspot.com

Marcelo Maciel de Almeida disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Marcelo Maciel de Almeida disse...

Maria Nilce, from Cultura Inglesa, gave us such a brilliant lecture.
Technology has been part of everyone's life nowadays, so we are always learning something new.
Apart from teaching English at a Language school, I alo teach Portuguese at public school Paulo José Dernusson. Thank the school I had the great oportunity to do some computer courses to deal with students. Teachers can move from regular classrooms to the computer one. Before that, we had had a week intensive course at SRE. I must confess I was a little worried assuming classes at the school's lab, teaching something different from my graduation (English-Portuguese), but pupils helped me a lot, even solving problems when the equipments were not working. What is more, they were born with these facilities - in other words, they are those from "Digital Generation".
Enthusiastic teacher Maria Nilce showed us the needs of being "up to date" with the brand new technologies.
The lecture was really helpful to us. Maria Nilce is one of those people who "hypnotise" us with her speech.
It's nice seeing someone who experienced diffeent teaching methodologies engaged with the brand new ones.
Prodocência, undoubtedly, has had a great impact on teachers and students. My sincere congratulations once more.